A celebration of womanhood

A celebration of womanhood

Only a woman can be a woman.

You can change sex and take the hormones and wear the wig, you can’t stand the heat of the hormones …..

The world celebrates the International Women’s Day, but I am still wondering if there is any way anyone can truly appreciate what a woman has to put up with…

The pains of the breast bud…

The scare of the first bleed….remember yours?

The look of the first boy

The giggle with the first ‘I love you note’

The worry about doing it right for the first time

The joy of being accepted by the new family

Then you grow a whole human being in you! !!!!

Then carry them around without ever having a relief of duty for 40 whole weeks

Then they force themselves out….and look at you like…WHO IS THIS WOMAN

Then you introduce yourself to them and hope that someday they will remember that you gave them free accommodation and food when no one else could.

Then you start teaching them to live

And whilst all of these are going on…..

You still work, cook, and resume night duty…..

And you still have to smile, even when you don’t feel like…

Even at those times of the month when all you want is to be left alone…..you still give space for a cuddle…

Amongst all the thorns, you still manage to grow and come out beautiful every day.

Even when the draughts hit, your dry remnant is still beauty to behold

To the woman,

To the Jewel in you…

I celebrate your strength, your passion, your resilience, your hope…..

To every woman …….Your thorns may be sharp and the sheer size and look of it scare you daily, but they have one purpose…THEY PROTECT YOU FROM THE PREDATORS…….THEY MAKE YOUR DELICATE-NESS MORE APPRECIABLE…..

God has endowed you with all that you need…You are a precious Jewel……. ……Happy International Women’s Day.

Dupe Diya is a Nigeria woman and writer.





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