Featured Articles

Sheroes.NG publisher goes into politics

The Founder of Sheroes Rising Development Initiative and Publisher of www.sheroes.ng has thrown her hat into the political ring. Hawwah Abdullahi Gambo made this known via a press release she issued to media houses. She described the development as a difficult decision that...

Wednesday Post

'The future belongs to us, because we have taken charge of it. We have the commitment, we have the resourcefulness, and we have the strength of our people to share the dream across Africa of clean water for all'. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Hero’s Quote: Anthony Guteres

The world's most perversive manifestation of descrimination affects fully half of mankind - Women and Girls. Let's never forget gender equality is a question of power, and power still lies overwhemingly with men as we see from parliament to board rooms; and...


BRIEF INTRODUCTION The Violence Against persons (prohibition) Act (VAPP) was passed into law in May 2015. The Act was a result of agitations for the protection of persons against the different forms of violence. Violence, both at the home front and the...

Sunday Quote

Its our choices; That shows who we truly are. Far more than our abilities.   JK Rowlings

Women, tool for tackling climate change

Mrs. Grace Udounwa-Ogolo, the Chairperson, Women in Cleantech and Eco-innovation Initiative, an NGO, says women remain a formidable tool in combating climate change. Udounwa-Ogolo said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Abuja. According to her,...

Hajara Gambo Sawaba

“If I don’t know book, I know rights… I have not been a member of any House of Assembly (legislature). I have not held any office except that I was a member of the House of Prison Gambo Sawaba Hajaratu Amarteifo popularly known...

Monday Quote

“Follow your instincts. That is where true wisdom manifests itself. Oprah Winfrey

Friday Quote

''I'm a very positive person, But this whole concept of having to always be nice, always smiling, always happy, that's not real. It was like I was wearing...

Good hair luxury mall opens in Lekki

< Previous1 of 10Next > IMG-201801 IMG-20180104-WA0005 IMG-20180104-WA0006 IMG-20180104 The Good Hair Space officially opened its doors to the public on December 31, in Lekki Phase 1.The one-of-its-kind mall, introduced the Premium Good...

Monday Quote

'I believe that everyone is the keeper of a dream – And by tuning into one another’s secret hopes, We can become better friends, better partners, better parents,...



Tuesday Quote: Madhuri Dixit Nene

'It's so ironic. When you finally achieve recognition, You hide behind dark glasses'. Madhuri Dixit Nene

As we celebrate International Women’s Day

Today, 8th of March is known as International Women’s Day (IWD), all over the world. But then, what does the International Women’s Day signify...

Bell Hooks – September 25,1952 – December 15, 2021

"Social classifications (e.g., race, gender, sexual identity, class, etc.) are interconnected, and ignoring their intersection creates oppression towards women and changes the experience of...

Embrace body confidence: Shun body shaming

Every woman I know or have heard of has been body-shamed at one point in her life. That is why the majority of women...

Monday Quote

'Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself'. Oprah Winfrey
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Latest Articles

Brief description of community

Due to the scope and objectives we set to achieve, the Sheroes Project shall be carried out in the federal capital as that is where the federal legislators are situated. As the central capital, the...

Brief Description of the Sheroes Rising Project

Women have consistently contributed to nation and community building in different ways yet their works largely remains unnoticed and underreported. Women issues are also the most under-represented in mainstream media thus getting the least attention....

Sheroes.NG publisher goes into politics

The Founder of Sheroes Rising Development Initiative and Publisher of www.sheroes.ng has thrown her hat into the political ring. Hawwah Abdullahi Gambo made this known via a press release she issued to media houses. She described the...


Violence Against Women and Girls  (VAWG)is the most widespread human rights violation with a recorded every 1 in 3 women having experienced some form of violence in their lives. This comes down to a cumulative...


March is women’s month. It is the month in which a day was picked and dedicated to focusing, discussion, conversing and talking about gender equality, its impact in society and how it can be achieved....

Bell Hooks – September 25,1952 – December 15, 2021

"Social classifications (e.g., race, gender, sexual identity, class, etc.) are interconnected, and ignoring their intersection creates oppression towards women and changes the experience of living as a woman in society." Gloria Jean Watkins, a feminist per...

Break The Silence to #breakthebias

There is no better day, time, and occasion to remind us all that to achieve gender equality and break the bias, we must put a stop to all forms of domestic and gender-based violence than...

 PLEASE BREAK THE BIAS – Hajia Zainab Maina

On this day, International Women’s Day 2022, I send warm felicitations to all women in Nigeria for being among the most hardworking, resourceful, and resilient gender in the country. As mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters you...




Saturday Quote

We have to consciously study how to be tender with each other until it becomes a habit. Because what was native has been stolen from...

Wednesday Quote: Rosa Parks

'I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with...

Cecelia Helena Payne Gaposchkin

Ceclia Helena Payne was the first of three children born on the 10th of May, 1900 in Wendover, England, to Emma Leonora Helena, a...

Sunday Quote

I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else's whim or to someone else's ignorance'. Bell Hooks

Friday Quote

I long for the day my sisters will rise, And occupy the sphere to which they are called by their high nature and destiny'. Lucretia Mott