Featured Articles

Friday Quote: UN Women

“Women, if confined at home by faithful guardians, Are not really guarded; But those women who guard themselves by their own will, Are well guarded.” Eastern Proverb

The Teenage Girls of Silicon Valley

Promise Nnalue, Jessica Osita, Nwabuaku Ossai, Adaeze Onuigbo, and Vivian Okoye, who call themselves Team Save-A-Soul learned how to build their phone app from scratch, in hopes that it will help address widespread sales of counterfeit drugs in Nigerian. These teenager Girls...

Saturday Quote

'Its not easy being a woman anywhere. Moreover for women leaders, The obstacles are greater, the barriers are greater and the double standards are greater". Benazir  Bhutto

We; are Ochanya of Ugbokolo

‘His voice husky and  groggy from too much alcohol, he grabbed my arm fiercely and pulled me to himself whispering into my ear ‘I love you, I will be your protector’. I froze with fear and could not say anything. He fondled...

As we mean to go on, the ‘Appy’ way

Black woman doing push-ups in dark gym Congratulations! We’ve made it to the end of our first week back after the decadent ten days of food, booze and chocolate (Oh okay, just me then!) As I woke up to embrace business as...

Aisha Kabu Damboa: The young Matriarch of Maiduguri

Being a woman in Nigeria is no child’s play. It comes with a pre-installed package of ‘blatant discrimination, social, religious and economic inequality, misogyny, sexual and gender-based violence. Being a woman in Northern Nigeria is several times worse. It is no news that...

Sunday Quote

'You have the right to be involved. You have something important to contribute; And you have to take the risk to contribute it'. Mea Jemison    

Monday Quote

It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are; Not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within. That you can begin to take control. Often we don’t even realize who we’re meant to be because we’re so...

Monday Quote

“Be more splendid, more extraordinary. Use every moment to fill yourself up.” Oprah Winfrey

Sunday Quote: Shirin Ebadi

'Whenever women protest and ask for their rights, They are silenced with the argument that the laws are justified under Islam. It is an unfounded argument;  It is...

Confronting the other woman…

I have received a lot of interesting reactions to some of my articles and I will be sharing some of these stories with you as time...



She Leads Africa

Sunday Quote

'Every social justice movement that I know of; Has come out of people sitting in small groups; Telling their life stories, And discovering that other people have...

Monday Quote: Ellen Degeneres

If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff; There's got to be a...

Friday Quote: Barack Obama

You cant let your failures define your; You have to let your failures teach you'. Barack Obama

Sunday Quote

''Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, So why shouldn’t women have their...
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Latest Articles


Sure, God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece???? Know that you are much more than just a human being. You have the power to create a...

Meet The Shero: Dr Kakenya Ntaiya

In Maasai culture, every Girl is to be engaged at the age of five, circumcised as a teenager, and immediately married off to her most prospective suitor. This tradition has been fulfilled over time and...

Awakened Female

According to science, the worst pain any human can experience is the pain of being burnt alive, the next in line is the pain of childbirth (some school of thought considers it second to the...

Meet Khadija Okunnu-Lamidi

“My standing before you today is to prove the resilience of our youth, our belief in, and our hope in Nigeria. Today, we face acute problems, of hunger, poverty, fear, insecurity, ignorance, and idleness of...

Presidential declaration: KHADIJAH Okunnu-Lamidi

As the 2023 elections draw near, Nigerians and the entire world are looking forward to what everyone agrees is a defining moment for the country. It is in view of these anticipations that a Nigerian young...

Call for Applications: 10000 Voices

1000 voices is a coalition of more than 1,700 women’s rights advocates in 128 countries that work to provide backup to frontline women rights activists and to secure a treaty on violence against women. 1000 Voices...

Amina J Mohammed Gets Second Term As UN DSG

Nigeria’s Amina Mohammed has been reappointed as the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations for a second term. Prior to her appointment in 2017, Ms. Mohammed served as Minister of Environment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria...

Defining moments for gender equality in 2021

Let’s reflect and look back on 2021. Let us look at both our wins and failures that formed the major moments for gender equality and women’s rights. From women at the forefront of the ongoing fight...

Muhammadu Buhari endorses global treaty against VAWGs

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Wednesday Quote

I don’t like to lose — at anything… Yet I’ve grown most not from victories, but setbacks. If winning is God’s reward, then losing is how...

Sunday Quote

'Whats coming will come; And we just have to meet it when it does'.   JK Rowling

Sunday Quote

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, But the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own...

Confronting the other woman…

I have received a lot of interesting reactions to some of my articles and I will be sharing some of these stories with you...

Lafiya Style Expo

She Leads Africa, hosted what it called ‘the lifestyle lafiya expo’  a fortnight ago in the city of Abuja. She Leads Africa, is an online...