A new Vision of Women’s liberation


My own vision is that the coming age will be the age of the woman.

Man has tried for five thousand years and has failed.

Now a chance has to be given to the woman.

Now she should be given the reins of all powers.

SHe should be given an opportunity.

To bring her feminine energies to function, to work.

Man has utterly failed.

I three thousand years. five thousand wars; this is man’s record.

Man has simply butchered, killed and murdered.

He has lived as if only for war.

There are a few days in between wars which we call days of peace.

There are no days of peace.

There are only days of preparation for the new war.

Yes, a few years are needed to prepare; and again war.

Agan; we go on killing each other.

It is enough.

Man has been given enough chances.

Now, feminine energies have to be released.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh



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