Notorious RBG – Shirin Dalaki

I learned about Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Autumn of 2018 when her documentary came out on CNN, I was in awe of what a remarkable woman she was and I wanted to be like her. It is so sad that she passed yesterday.

If you are into gender equality and it is your passion and purpose, I suggest taking a look at her life and how she became a feminist icon who changed history with her soft-spoken voice and intelligent mind with common sense to bring justice to our humanity. She was a lawyer argued the case of gender inequality in the United States Supreme Court with such dignity, honesty and conviction that is worth mentioning.

This is what she presented to the court that made her an iconic figure. She said,

 “Sex classification imply a judgement of inferiority; the sex criterion stigmatizes when it is used to protect women from competing higher paying job promotions. It assumes that all women are preoccupied at home and children. These distinctions have a common effect, they help keep women in her place, a place inferior to that occupied by men in our society and in asking the court to declare sex a suspect criterion, we urge a position”.

One of America’s famous abolitionists Sarah Grimke in 1837 said of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that ‘she expressed herself through vulnerability and conviction and allowed her to win that case and she continued her rise all the way to supreme court justice for 27 years. She put her heart and soul into helping and trying to plant in the mind of others issues on women inequality and how she liked the world to be for our daughters and granddaughters as she said it in her words so many times.

She implanted a picture in the minds of people that have hope at the centre of it, and she succeeded in doing that by believing in human rights and what a woman is capable of doing.

Notorious RBG as she is fondly and popularly called, taught me that no one has the power to make me feel inferior or keep me out of balance. and that it is my own choosing that makes me feel what I feel,  I am in charge and I am the one who decides what I like to feel at each moment. It is my own choosing that makes me happy, no one has power over me except me. I have been wanting to write about gender equality for a while and last night when I heard that RBG transitioned, a deep sadness covered my heart. I felt pain in my heart for hours and kept thinking about her legacy and what she left behind for us to reflect and follow as an example. I kept thinking I need to let World Pulse know about this remarkable human being who did so much for our generation and for the generations to come.

What is expressed about gender inequality on world pulse is so eye-opening,  and I cannot thank you enough for educating us about this particularly important issue. However, it saddens me to read these stories and learn that this is what we are witnessing still in this day and time. This issue makes us be the need for dedication and awareness to energetically create a  global consciousness and to envision a world of gender equality. We must see it to manifest it the same way that RBG saw it and acted on it. She had this belief, this conviction in her gut of basic human right and she expressed her voice with warmth, love and harmony. We cannot just wish and hope but we must actively engage in this consciousness and speak of new perspectives.

I just keep imagining what if we engage in love consciousness and choose to love and respect ourselves, what if we decided that there is no such thing as victimhood and allow our womanhood to speak and serve humanity. What if we operate from our deepest level as Divine Self, from a place of love that already exists inside of us…what if we chose to do that? Just how amazing would that be?

I believe in women and the power they present in the world. I also believe that we can bring this power to the surface that has been repressed from generation to generation, by believing in ourselves and what position we hold as a woman in society as just as RBG did; and we can too. I know that there are so many young activists who are trying their best to change the mindset and the consciousness of humanity, they are expressing gender equality and asking us to express ourselves and claim our womanhood. I suggest that we accept and forgive that part of us that wants to pull us down and instead speak our truth and our authentic womanhood to the world because deep within us.

We understand and know that gender equality is something we are born with and together we can continue the legacy bequeathed to us by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in our own unique and creative way.

Shirin Dalaki is an American author and life coach.




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